Our Events
Filmmaker Community Mixer
We host an Industry Professional Mixer every month from January to October. It take place Second Tuesday of the month. You can participate in this event in two ways. You can attend it as a community member or be given space for a table to promote, cast, or inform about what you are working on.
To become a community member just attend the next Mixer.
To request a space for a table send us an emails at community@royalstarr.org
Royal Starr Film Festival
The Royal Starr Film Festival (RSFF) is an international film festival centered in downtown Birmingham, Michigan and will screen curated selection of films including shorts, features, and documentaries films at the state of the art and historic Birmingham 8 powered by the Emagine Theaters and planned by the non-profit, Royal Starr Arts Institute.
2025 Royal Starr Film Festival will take place September 11th - 14th, 2025
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“All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. We can vulgarize that society. We can brutalize it. Or we can help lift it onto a higher level.”